Contributing to nixpkgs and home-manager
- Tutorial
- Nix
This is just a short guide for setting up a development environment. Make sure to also read the contribution guidelines of nixpkgs and home-manager
Getting started
First, create a fork on github, then clone your repo:
git clone [email protected]:LilleAila/nixpkgs --depth=1
cd nixpkgs
Configure remotes
Set the upstream repo as a remote to your local repo. For nixpkgs, run this command:
git remote add upstream
and for home-manager, run this
git remote add upstream
, then fetch the upstream remote with
git fetch --depth=1 upstream
Set up your development environment
After cloning the repo to your local machine, you want to configure your development environment. The easiest way to do this is using direnv. Add the following to .git/info/exclude
This file works the same as .gitignore
, the only difference being that it doesn’t get included in commits.
Now, you want to configure the devshell. Create a shell.nix
, and enable direnv:
# shell.nix
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, }:
pkgs.mkShell {
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
echo "use nix" > .envrc && direnv allow
If you are contributing to home-manager
, you want to use nixfmt-classic
instead of nixfmt-rfc-style
as the formatter.
Adding your changes
Create a new branch based on upstream/master
git checkout -b descriptive-branch-name upstream/master
Oh no, I forgot to make a new branch!
Run the following commands to move the changes to the correct place:
git branch the-new-branch
git reset origin/master --hard
git checkout the-new-branch
Testing your changes
In your NixOS configuration, change the input url in your flake.nix
to the path of your local repo, for example
inputs.home-manager = {
url = "/home/olai/devel/home-manager/";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
Creating a pull request
Make sure your commit messages are formatted like this
{component}: {short description}
{long description}
, then push your changes to your fork with
git push origin branch-name
Use the github interface to create a pull request, making sure the name is also formatted as {component}: {short description}